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Credit Card Error Codes
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Credit Card Error Codes 

Some of the reasons are clear enough and leave no doubt as they are easy to explain to your customers, while others can be interpreted in various ways (see the table below). However, the specific reason is always known by the customer’s bank.

In the following, you can find the most common error codes with the explanation and recommended action you can take. However, please note that error codes differ from gateway to gateway, as there are no standardized error codes, so we recommend to always follow the error message.


Code number




Transaction Approved Successfully

The transaction is approved and completed successfully.


Refer to Card Issuer

The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has indicated there is a problem with the credit card number. The customer should contact their bank. The customer should use an alternate credit card.


Invalid Merchant Number

The Merchant ID is invalid, you should contact your Bank and ensure you have provided the correct Merchant Account Number to PaymentVision


Pick Up Card

The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that your customer’s credit card be retained. (card reported lost or stolen). The customer should use an alternate credit card.


Do Not Honor

The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the credit card number has failed a security check, or the funds have been frozen or depleted. The customer should use an alternate credit card.



The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as there is a problem with the credit card number. The customer should contact their bank. The customer should use an alternate credit card.


Pick Up Card

The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that your customer’s credit card be retained. (card reported lost or stolen) The customer should use an alternate credit card.


Honor with Identification

The transaction was successful


Request in Progress

The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has indicated there is a problem with the credit card number. The customer should contact their bank. The customer should use an alternate credit card.


Approved for Partial Amount

The transaction was successful


Invalid Transaction

An error occurred while processing the card. Make sure that payments are correctly configured.


Invalid Amount

Double check what is entered and make sure it wasn’t negative or included incorrect symbols.


Invalid Card Number

The card issuing bank has declined the transaction because of an incorrectly entered credit card number or a number that doesn’t exist. Double check the card details and try processing again.


No Issuer

The customer’s card issuer doesn’t exist. Double check the card number and try processing the transaction again. The card number should start with 3 (AMEX), 4 (Visa), 5 (MasterCard), or 6 (Discover).


Re-enter Last Transaction

The transaction has not been processed and the customer should attempt to process the transaction again.


No Action Taken

The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has indicated there is a problem with the credit card number. The customer should contact their bank. The customer should use an alternate credit card.


Suspected Malfunction

The issuing bank is not responding during the transaction. The cardholder should check the card information and try processing again.


Format Error

Double check the setup on your merchant account, as it may be incorrect.


Bank Not Supported by Switch

The customer’s bank has declined the transaction because it doesn’t allow using the card for mail/telephone, fax, email or internet orders. The error usually comes with the Discover card, so the customer should use a separate card. If a Discover card wasn’t used, ask the cardholder to contact their bank.


Suspected Fraud, Retain Card

The transaction is declined by the issuing bank as there is suspected fraud on this credit card number.


Contact Acquirer Security Department

The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction and requested to retain your customer’s card. The customer should use an alternate card or contact their bank.


PIN Tries Exceeded, Capture

The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN three times. The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has requested you retain the credit card. The customer should use an alternate credit card and contact their bank.


No Credit Account

The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the Credit Card number used is not a credit account. The customer should use an alternate credit card.


Lost Card

The issuing bank has declined the transaction as the owner of the card reported it as lost or stolen. In this case, don’t retry the transaction and don’t provide any goods or services to the cardholder. Validate the customer authenticity and refer the cardholder to the issuer.


No Universal Account

The transaction is declined by the issuing bank as the account type is not valid for this card number. Ask the customer to use a separate card or to contact their bank.


Stolen Card

The issuing bank has declined the transaction as the credit card owner has reported this card as stolen. Don’t try the transaction again and stop providing any goods or services to the customer and report the transaction attempt to the relevant issuing bank.


The Card Was Declined

The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the credit card is not enabled for online transactions.

The customer should use an alternate card or contact their bank.


Insufficient Funds

The transaction is denied by the issuing bank as there aren’t enough funds in the associated bank account to complete this payment or the transaction will put the customer’s credit card over the limit. Request a different card from a customer or ask them to contact their issuing bank.


Expired Card

The card is expired and no longer valid to use. Ask a customer to correct or switch the card.


No Card Record

The transaction is declined by the issuer, as the credit card number doesn’t exist. The customer should use a separate credit card.


Function Not Permitted to Cardholder

The issuing bank has declined the transaction as this card cannot be used for this type of transaction. Ask the customer for another card or contacting their bank.


Function Not Permitted to Terminal

The code appears when the card cannot be used for this type of transaction or when the merchant processing account is not properly configured. The response usually appears when test cards are used on the live gateway.


Suspected Fraud

The transaction is declined by the issuer because it appears fraudulent. Monitor all the transactions processed after the error occurred.


Withdrawal Limit Exceeded

The issuer has declined the transaction because it will exceed the customer’s card limit. Ask the customer to use another card.


Restricted Card

The card is invalid in a certain region or country or the customer tried to pay online with a card that doesn’t support your online payments.


Capture Card

The transaction is declined by the issuing bank because the card is suspected to be counterfeit. The customer’s card issuer has requested that your customer’s credit card is retained by you. Ask the customer to use a different card or to contact their bank.


Card Issuer Unavailable

There was a problem contacting the issuing bank to authorize the transaction. The customer should attempt to process this transaction again. If the problem persists, the cardholder should contact their bank.


Unable to Route Transaction

The customer’s card can’t be found for routing and the code is mostly used for a test credit card number. The cardholder should try to complete a transaction again.


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